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Hospital food needs to be healthy food

7th March 2013 - Deirdre Clune MEP

I am calling on the Minister for Health James Reilly to address the issue of the unhealthy and unsuitable food which is sometimes served to hospital patients. Somewhere which has taken decisive action in this area is New York. Hospitals there are banned from selling calorie heavy foods in the cafes and vending machines which are on site. As part of this healthy eating initiative in the States, many public hospitals have cut calories in meals being given to patients and restricted the sale of junk food on the premises.

It is extremely worrying that our hospitals serve such a low standard of food in hospitals at the moment.

Highly processed foods such as chips and chicken nuggets are high in fat and low in nutrition, it is crazy that hospitals across the country are serving sick and recovering patients such poor quality foods.

According to media reports, the HSE will buy almost 90 tonnes of frozen chips, 62,000 sausage rolls and other highly processed foods for patients in the public health system over the next four years.

Surely this money would be better spent on a healthier alternative for patients as serving this kind of food is counterproductive to someone’s health.

I do understand that the HSE is under significant financial pressure and that the organisation needs to cut costs but surely good value food can be sourced at a reasonable price.

According to the Department of Health, right now in Ireland 39% of adults are overweight and 18% are obese.

Our government and society need to have an attitude make-over when it comes to food, what we eat has a direct impact on our health and food in hospitals must reflect this.

The Minister for Health is currently applying pressure on cafes and restaurants to introduce calorie menu labelling so surely hospitals must adopt the same policy.

Our hospitals need to create an environment of vitality and achieve the highest possible standards of care.

I will be raising this issue with the Minister shortly and I will be seeking answers on whether the problem is being addressed.

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