Join Fine Gael

Help us find and deliver the solutions to the challenges our society faces.

Join Fine Gael now by completing the form below.
You can also download and complete this form and email or post it back to us, along with the relevant payment.

Please note the form below is for new members only. If you are a current member, please do not use the form below, instead please renew your membership.


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Take Part

Attend your local organisation meetings. Join our intimate Front Row events for discussions with An Taoiseach and Ministers

Ard Fheis

Join us for our Ard Fheis and National Conference. Hear from the Party Leader and Ministers on issues important to you


Be part of a democratic community, with like-minded individuals to discuss issues. elect an Officer Board and choose your local candidates


Access to our online communications platform


We’ve teamed up with a variety of companies to offer Members discounts on products and services


Voting is a key part of Fine Gael’s democratic values. Use your vote to elect members to your Constituency Officer Board, to select candidates and Party Leadership. Two year consecutive membership is required for voting rights at conventions

Influence Party Policy

Join our Policy Lab where we engage with members on important policy issues

Election Campaigns

Be part of a campaign to help elect candidates that represent you and your values