Older People
Fine Gael’s Guarantee for Older People

Fine Gael’s Guarantee for Older People
Standalone Minister of State for Older People
Increase the pension to at least €350 a week
Appoint Commissioner for Positive Ageing
Implement nationwide ‘Exercise is Medicine’ exercise programme
Education and workplaces to be more flexible as people age
Practical housing options for positive ageing
On Financial supports:
Fine Gael will:
Increase the weekly State Pension: Raise the State Pension to €350 over the lifetime of the next government, ensuring financial security for our seniors.
Extend the Household Benefits Package: Lower the eligibility age for this package to include all pensioners aged 66 and over, down from age 70.
Expand Fuel Allowance eligibility: Extend eligibility for the Fuel Allowance to persons aged over 66, as committed in Budget 2025.
Provide a universal companion pass for Over 70s: Offer this pass to all individuals over 70, as committed in Budget 2025, to enhance mobility and social inclusion.
Progressively increase the Living Alone Allowance: Raise this allowance to €33 over the lifetime of the Government in recognition of the fact that people who live alone face the same costs for heating, electricity and other essentials as a couple.
On care supports:
Many of these actions align with the European Care Strategy, and we will seek EU funding to enhance our long-term care options.
Fine Gael will:
Ensure long-term care is timely, comprehensive, and affordable: We will guarantee that individuals with long-term care needs have access to a decent standard of living.
Increase availability of care services: We will examine and enhance the mix of professional care options, including homecare, community-based care, independent living options and residential care ranging from family-owned and operated care homes to public and private care homes
Enhance access to digital healthcare: We will promote digital health solutions to avoid unnecessary hospital stays.
Increase support for carers: We will provide training, establish clearer pathways to services, improve access to respite care, and fully fund the Carer’s Guarantee.
In addition Fine Gael will:
Continue to fund meals on wheels services: We share the National Meals on Wheels Network’s belief in a community where no one faces food insecurity, especially our senior citizens, people with disabilities, and others in need.
To support this ambition, we will continue to increase funding to the Network and develop a plan to enable supported providers in every town in the country and investment in key equipment such as ovens and delivery vans.
Maintain the Fair Deal Scheme waiting list: We will keep the waiting list for the Fair Deal Scheme at four weeks.
Provide additional home support hours: We will deliver more home support hours each year and increase the number of hours for individuals with dementia.
Introduce a statutory homecare scheme: We will ensure that every individual has the right to homecare, regardless of their location.
Fully staff the Enhanced Community Care Programme: We will ensure this programme meets the healthcare needs of older people in the community.
Maintain and expand day centres: We will enhance our network of day centres to provide essential support.
Publish and implement the Commission on Care for Older People report: We will act on the findings of this commission, which examines health and social care services for older individuals, while developing the National Action Plan.
On Education and workplace flexibility:
Fine Gael will:
Retain the Benefit Payment for 65-year-olds: Continue this payment for workers retiring at 65 until they reach pension age at 66, with no requirement to sign on.
Enact legislation to remove mandatory retirement age of 65 in employment contracts: Ensuring that people who want to work past 65 are allowed to do.
On Practical Housing Options:
Fine Gael will:
Identify Dedicated Housing Sites: Mandate local authorities to find suitable sites for housing specifically designed for older adults, ensuring accessible options within local communities.
Simplify Conversion Rules: Make it easier to convert houses into two flats, allowing older adults to continue living in familiar surroundings while adapting to changing needs.
Review and Standardise the Older Persons Housing Financial Contribution Scheme: Examine the possibility of a national system where local authorities offer smaller, manageable housing options to those who find their current homes too large.
Explore Housing Trusts for Older Adult Communities: Consider creating Housing Trusts to develop and manage senior housing with on-site support services, fostering safe, supportive communities.