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Cllr Gayle Ralph

Electoral Area: Cabra-Glasnevin

Dublin City Council

Cllr Gayle Ralph

About Gayle

  • Working mother of two boys, living locally
  • Peace Commissioner for Dublin
  • Community Advocate with local groups and organisations
  • Chair of Sister Shed, Drumcondra-Glasnevin
  • Past pupil of St Columba’s National School, Iona Road and St. Mary’s Holy Faith Secondary School, Glasnevin

Gayle’s Priorities:

  • Campaign for more Community facilities and ensure Local Property Tax is ringfenced and spent locally
  • Protect our Seniors and give them the respect they deserve by ensuring that they are not taken advantage of and have access to resources and supports for
    Digital Inclusion
  • Advocate for a Social Prescribing link worker in our area to improve mental health and wellbeing by working with individuals who need support and linking them into Community activities and services
  • Promote the Circular Economy by introducing Upcycling Community initiatives
  • Open schools outside of core school hours. Many of our schools have the best of facilities which should be opened up to the Community for use in the evenings, weekends and during holidays
  • Reimagine and make the Summer School programme widely available (similar to the Maltese model). The programme could focus on educating children on more practical matters and life skills. This would also assist parents that work during the summer months
  • Support Stronger & Safer Communities and build on our re-energised Community spirit that was shown during the Pandemic. That is why I set up a Sister Shed in Drumcondra-Glasnevin which is focused on reconnecting and bringing women of all ages together in a safe space
  • Ensure local businesses get the necessary supports required to sustain their business and create more local employment
  • Promote and support shopping locally and encourage the development of local Farmer’s Markets
  • Regenerate over the shop living and put an end to derelict buildings in order to create more affordable housing quickly

Connect With Gayle

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