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Cllr Marie O’Sullivan

Electoral Area: Bandon-Kinsale

Cork County Council

Cllr Marie O’Sullivan

Marie grew up in Bandon, in a very political family.

  • Educated in Presentation Bandon, Drishane, and U.C.C.
  • Lives in Kinsale with my partner Salvador and two sons
  • Runs a café in Kinsale since 2007
  • Has been involved in Politics all her life, holding officerships at all levels in the Fine Gael Party

I am passionate about helping people.  Being self-employed and dealing with the Public, I am aware of the difficulties encountered by both Rural and Urban Communities in their daily lives.

In placing your trust in me I will listen to your concerns and prioritise the following areas:

  • Affordable and Social Housing
  • Amenities for the youth of the area
  • Environmental and Climate Change Agenda
  • Investment in Road and Pedestrian Infrastructure
  • Regeneration of our Towns and Villages

Connect With Marie

Contact Details

7 Pearse Street
Co. Cork.
