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Cllr Lynn McCrave

Electoral Area: Rathfarnham-Templeogue

South Dublin County Council

Cllr Lynn McCrave

I am lucky to have been born and raised in Rathfarnham and have reared my family here, so I have a particular appreciation of our area and am keen to be your voice to ensure the communities we live in are supported by South Dublin County Council.

About me:

  • Lived and raised my family in Rathfarnham
  • Involved with a variety of local sporting bodies
    • Former Badminton International and No.1 in Ireland.
      • Current Chairperson of Dublin Schools Badminton.
  • Passionate about assisting all sports Clubs in being able to offer Sport for All.
  • Educated in Wesley College and former President of the Wesley College Alumni.
    • Long serving member of coaching staff in Wesley College.
    • Also coaching in a number of local schools currently.
  • Dog lover and Volunteer for Irish Therapy Dogs
  • Former business owner – Montessori for 18 years
  • Committee member of Multiple Sclerosis Society of Ireland
  • Experienced strong voice.

Connect With Lynn

Contact Details

c/o South Dublin County Council
County Hall
Dublin 24