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Patrick O’Donovan TD

Patrick Donovan TD was appointed Minister of State for Tourism and Sport in May 2016.  He was elected to the Dail in February 2011.

Patrick was first elected to Limerick County Council in June 2004, topping the poll at the age of 27 with 1,485 first preference votes while also working as an industrial chemist. In a short time on the council, Patrick’s reputation as a fighter for issues earned him the honour of being elected the youngest Fine Gael Group Leader in Ireland by his fellow party members. His work was also recognised by his constituents who re-elected him with 2,254 votes in 2009. During this time he had also taken on the task of going back to college and becoming a primary school teacher. Patrick has held a number of positions during his time on the council as well as maintaining an active involvement with a number of charitable, cultural and sporting organisations.

Patrick was selected by An Taoiseach to be a member of the Committee on the Environment, Transport, Culture and the Gaeltacht as well as being named on internal Fine Gael Committees on Education, Environment and Foreign Affairs. He is also a member of the British Irish Parliamentary Assembly.

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