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Consider importance of offering support on World Suicide Prevention Day – Neville

9th September 2015 - Aoife Carragher

Fine Gael Party Chairman and co-founder of the Irish Suicidology Association, Dan Neville, highlighted the importance of offering support in the fight against suicide ahead of World Suicide Prevention day tomorrow (Thursday).

“World Suicide Prevention Day calls all individuals and organisations to action in the fight against suicide and it encourages us all to consider the role that offering support may play in combatting suicide.

“The act of showing care and concern to somebody who may be vulnerable to suicide can be a game changer.  Asking them whether they are okay, listening to what they have to say in a non-judgemental way and letting them know you care can all have a significant impact. Isolation increases the risk of suicide, while strong social connections protect against it, so being there for someone who has become disconnected can be life-saving.

“Suicide is devastating for family, friends and community members who are left behind.  They may experience a whole range of emotions, including grief, anger, guilt, disbelief and self-blame.  They may not feel that they can share these overwhelming feelings with anyone else therefore reaching out to those who have lost someone to suicide is very important.

“As a result of the stigma surrounding suicide, those who are bereaved by suicide are often perceived differently from those who lose family members through another cause of death.  People who are bereaved by suicide may find that they are avoided by people who don’t know how to approach the subject, or offer their condolences, or they must just feel that others do not understand the intensity of their emotional response to the death of their loved one.

“Once again, a proactive approach and offering a sympathetic non-judgmental ear can make all the difference giving someone who has been bereaved by suicide the opportunity to talk about their loss, in their own time and in their own terms.  Allowing them to express their full range of feelings can be cathartic and can help them to take the first small step to move through their grief.  Starting the conversation may be difficult, but it will almost certainly be appreciated.”

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