Minister Patrick O’Donovan welcomes the appointment of contractors to carry out remedial works on the bank of the River Feale at Convent Street, Listowel, Co. Kerry
18th August 2021 - Patrick ODonovan TD
Minister of State with responsibility for the Office of Public Works (OPW), Patrick O’Donovan, T.D., today announced that the OPW has appointed Ward and Burke Ltd., Contractors to undertake remedial works along the northern bank of the River Feale, adjacent to Convent Street (R553) in Listowel, Co. Kerry.
The Minister said: “Following the succession of three winter storms in January and early February 2020, Storm Dennis brought extensive wind and rain to the Atlantic coast. Strong onshore winds combined with flash floods, resulted in a section of elevated bank collapsing onto a retaining wall. A Project Team appointed in March 2020 assessed a number of remediation measures and thankfully, I am delighted to be in position today to announce a substantial investment into the town of Listowel and North Kerry. The project cost will be €2.5m and when completed will provide protection to 18 properties on Convent Street.”
“I know that the commencement of these works are particularly welcome by the residents and members of the Listowel Riverbank Group who I had the pleasure of meeting today. Who in their own words have spent ‘many worrying and sleepless nights’ waiting for the next flood to put them and their properties in harm’s way.”
The Project Team worked with Kerry County Council and other relevant statutory bodies to identify the appropriate long-term solution. As the site is located within the Lower Shannon Special Area of Conservation (SAC), the Environmental Consultant engaged by OPW completed a Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment/Natura Impact Statement (NIS) for the works. The NIS determined that there will not be any likely significant impacts on the qualifying interests of the SAC. The NIS was submitted to the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) for review. NPWS’ comments have been incorporated into the design and the works methodology. An underwater archaeological dive survey was also undertaken in advance of the works. A designated ecological clerk of works is monitoring the works and is in regular consultation with the relevant statutory bodies, including NPWS and Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI).
This work is being progressed by the OPW under statutory powers conferred on them for the maintenance of the River Feale Certified Drainage Scheme. These emergency works are required to ensure stability and remediate the slope failure, which has threatened the structural stability of a number of properties along Convent Street.

Patrick O’Donovan TD, Minister of State with responsibility for the Office of Public Works (OPW) in Listowel, to announce the appointment of Ward and Burke Ltd, Contractors, to undertake remedial works along the northern bank of the River Feale. Pictured with Cllr Jim Finucane, Cllr Michael Foley,Brendan Griffin TD, Cathaoirleach Listowel Municipal District Cllr Michael Kennelly, Former Minsiter Jimmy Deenihan and Cllr Aoife Thorton
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