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Cllr Caroline Brady

Electoral Area: Lucan

South Dublin County Council

Cllr Caroline Brady

Politics and serving the community are in my genes, influenced by my late father, Peter Brady, a former elected member for Dublin and South Dublin County Council. Dad passed on a commitment to Lucan where he successfully served his community for over 60 years. Similarly, I’m very involved in the local Lucan community where I organise the successful St. Patrick’s Day parade, serve the community as a Peace Commissioner and fundraise regularly for good causes. I know how to deliver, whether it’s for a business or the community. I drive and achieve results through commitment to focus, planning, governance and always through communication.

I built strong business and leadership skills in technology and business transformation in the construction industry, where I worked both at home and abroad. Since I returned home to Dublin, I’ve diversified successfully putting my business skills to use serving my community, where I run a local charity. I also have experience in the Entertainment Industry, managing talent, and during Covid I successfully completed studying Law at the Kings Inns.

I have a passion and determination to see things through and get things done. I’m committed to serving the community in Lucan, fuelled by a passion for the empowerment of local communities. My priority is community advancement and a more engaged, secure, and prosperous Lucan through a focus on increased public participation in decision-making and infrastructure planning; and reduced crime and increased safety through investment in community policing. My leadership style is listening and advocating, enabling everyone to have a voice and be heard.

For more information my website is www.CarolineBrady.Com, email phone (085) 2551602

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