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Cllr Thomas Kinsella

Electoral Area: Muinebeag

Carlow County Council

Cllr Thomas Kinsella

Tom was first elected to office in 2004. A family man, married to Joan, they have two teenage children and Tom works hard and tirelessly on many and varied local interests to represent local people to the fullest capacity. Among his main concerns are improved road infrastructure in Muinebeag and Borris. Tom is also actively lobbying for improved broadband services and job creation. He is actively working on putting in place protection incentives for local business to create and to maintain sustainable employment locally. He is also working to ensure the council secures land for burial grounds in Ballinkillen, Ballymurphy and St Mullin’s. High on his priorities are the provision of quality and adequate housing in the area in order to maintain a vibrant rural environment which he also aims to achieve through proper planning regulation. Tom is continuously working with appropriate bodies to tackle educational issues pertinent to Muinebheag and Borris, such as class sizes, college fees and school funding. He is committed to working towards keeping rural post offices open, and also is sensitive to the difficulties facing many families in relation to mortgage arrears. He is available on a twenty-four-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week basis to represent local people in any manner possible.

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Contact Details

Co. Carlow
(Via Kilkenny).