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Cllr Clodagh Higgins

Electoral Area: Galway City West

Galway City Council

Cllr Clodagh Higgins

Living and working as a Psychologist in Salthill for the past ten years, I am passionate about our community and everyone living in it and I intend to be a strong, effective and pro-active voice in dealing with the issues that matter to you and the community.
As your representative on Galway City Council, I will prioritise:

  • The provision of community facilities
  • Sustainable planning for Salthill, Knocknacarra and its environs
  • Targeted spending on rejuvenating Salthill which will represent value for money
  • Enhancing further tourism opportunities arising from Galway2020
  • A safety first approach so everyone can feel secure in the community.

As a former Educational Columnist with a local paper, I am passionate about education and opportunities for children but also having the best mental health facilities and services in the city. I am running  to make Galway the best city for everyone to work, live and raise a family in.

I was honoured to have been elected as Mayor of Galway City Council for the year 2022-23.

Connect With Clodagh

Contact Details

115 Kings Hill
Upper Salthill Road