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Cllr Andrew Reddington

Electoral Area: Tuam

Galway County Council

Cllr Andrew Reddington

My name is Andrew Reddington, I am married to Bernie and we have three children – Sarah, Ruth and Tom Andrew.

I work with GRETB in Youthreach and also I am a part time farmer. I work as a volunteer in the community on various committees.

I am fully committed to the following projects for the next council term if elected

  • Advocating for improved commuter routes into Galway by enhancing the N84.
  • Persisting in securing funding for our locality to support road improvements, lighting, walking and cycling infrastructure, and outdoor recreational projects.
  • Sustaining efforts to facilitate household grants for the elderly and individuals with disabilities.
  • Ensuring that every household in the Tuam LEA is connected to the National Broadband Network by 2027
  • Establishing primary medical centers in rural towns.
  • Enhancing the number of public bus services and bus shelters in rural regions.
  • Continuing collaboration with Galway County Council on planning permission issues and the delivery of affordable housing.
  • Ongoing advocacy to National and European politicians on agricultural issues.
  • Collaborating with Gardaí to address rural crime.
  • Working with local community groups and sports organisations to secure funding for enhancing our local environment.
  • Upholding the values of hard work and dedication to my local area.

Connect With Andrew

Contact Details

Co. Galway.
