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Cllr. David Fitzgerald

General Election Candidate for: Carlow-Kilkenny

Electoral Area: Kilkenny

Cllr. David Fitzgerald

David is son of Mary Crotty and Alexis FitzGerald, who together ran FitzGerald Auctioneers in Kilkenny. He is the youngest of nine children and is married to Paula. David and Paula have four children, including a surprise set of twins.

David was elected to Kilkenny Borough Council on his first attempt in 2009. He was Mayor of Kilkenny in 2011 and used his term in office to promote the Year of the Mind. During his term as Mayor David oversaw the purchase, by the council, of the old Smithwicks Brewery, a site which will be developed for educational, business and arts purposes.

In May 2014, David was re-elected to Kilkenny County Council with the highest Fine Gael first preference vote. He was elected as Cathaoirleach of Kilkenny County Council for 2017-18.

As a proud member of a Party that has long championed the “Just Society”, David believes passionately that we must provide leadership on both social and economic issues.

David was the youngest ever president of Kilkenny Chamber of Commerce, he was the Chairman of Kilkenny’s winning Tidy Towns committee in 2014 and is a member of both the IFA and the GAA.


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Contact Details

24 Patrick Street
R95 FNY8.