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Cllr Emily Wallace

Electoral Area: Kinnegad

Westmeath County Council

Cllr Emily Wallace

Emily lives in Gaybrook, Milltownpass, with her husband and three children; she is originally from Clonkill. She holds a Business Degree in Business Enterprise and is currently managing and running a family business in Mullingar.

Emily has been a Councillor for the past 8 years, replacing Minister Peter Burke on Westmeath County Council in 2016 on his election to Dáil Éireann.

Emily is Chairperson of Westmeath Community Games and a former Director of National Community Games. She was a director for nearly 10 years of Westmeath Community Development and is currently a member of the Economic, Enterprise & Tourism SPC.

Emily has been actively involved in numerous local Community, and sporting organisations across the County. She has proudly represented Westmeath Camogie at County level and was secretary of Westmeath Camogie having played with Crookedwood. For the last eight years Emily has been secretary of Milltownpass Ladies Football Club, and a member of Mullingar Harriers.

Emily has been at the forefront of driving safety measures at schools across the district and continues to work closely with Minister Burke through his offices in Mullingar and Castlepollard.

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Co. Westmeath.