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Senator Martin Conway

Constituency: Clare

Seanad Spokesperson on Health

Senator Martin Conway

Martin Conway is a member of the 26th Seanad and previously served in the 24th Seanad on the Administrative Panel, having been elected in 2011. He is the Seanad spokesperson on Justice and Equality and is the first visually impaired member of the Oireachtas.

He was first elected to Clare County Council in June 2004 representing North Clare and was re-elected in 2009, topping the poll.

Martin is the third generation of his family to be born with congenital cataracts. When he was just six months old he was taken to London for a series of ground-breaking eye operations, which left him with 16% vision. Rather than going to a school especially for the blind and visually impaired, Martin attended local schools with his brother.

Martin first joined Fine Gael whilst at school in Ennistymon and his interest in politics continued throughout his college career. In 1998 he graduated with a Degree in Economics and Politics from University College Dublin.

One of his proudest moments was to receive the prestigious University College Dublin President’s Award for Excellence, in recognition of his commitment for campaigning and advocacy for people with disabilities.

Martin campaigns tirelessly on behalf of people with disabilities for the provision of adequate housing, improved education and employment opportunities, and proper sport facilities.

Martin is a founding member of AHEAD-The Association of Higher Education Access and Disability- which endeavours to make education accessible to all. He is particularly proud of the Willing Able Mentoring (WAM) programme which has successfully placed over 150 graduates with disabilities in employment over the last seven years.

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Leinster House
Kildare Street
Dublin 2
The Square
Co. Clare