News & Statements

Burke’s legislation will help families of missing persons

Ahead of National Missing Persons Day tomorrow (Wednesday), Fine Gael Cork North Central Senator, Colm Burke, has outlined how his new legislation will aid the families of missing persons in overcoming the legal difficulties they currently face.

Proposed legislation will help families of missing persons – Burke

Newly proposed legislation will help families to deal with the management of a missing person’s estate. The new Bill, proposed by Fine Gael Senator and solicitor, Colm Burke, has completed Committee stage in the Oireachtas, and has now progressed to Report and Final Stages.

The economic recovery is jobs rich – Burke

Strong jobs growth, falling unemployment and an expanding workforce are clear indicators that there is strong momentum in the Irish economy, according to Fine Gael Cork Senator, Colm Burke.

New deal on medicines to save taxpayers millions – Burke

Fine Gael Senator for Cork North Central and Seanad Spokesperson on Health, Colm Burke, has today (Wednesday) welcomed the new agreement reached between the Government and the Irish Pharmaceutical Healthcare Association (IPHA).

63,000 people attend out-patient clinics per week – Burke

Fine Gael Cork Senator, Colm Burke, has welcomed the publication of the HSE’s Annual Report and Financial Statements for 2015, which shows that 63,000 people per week attend out-patient clinics. The report outlines how the HSE has responded to the many challenges it faces, in providing a quality health service for all, as well as providing for population growth and increased life expectancy.

We need to change our response to Advanced / Metastatic Breast Cancer – Burke

Fine Gael Senator for Cork North Central, Colm Burke, has said that we need to change how we deal with Advanced/Metastatic Breast cancer in order to assist these patients to live longer. Senator Burke was speaking following a briefing which he facilitated in Leinster House today, bringing together oncology experts, breast cancer patients and Oireachtas Members.