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Garda Inspectorate Report provides opportunity for reform – Conway

11th November 2014 - Senator Martin Conway

Fine Gael Senator for Clare and Seanad Spokesperson on Justice, Martin Conway, has today (Tuesday), said the publication of the Garda Inspectorate Report by the Minister for Justice and Equality, Frances Fitzgerald TD, provides an opportunity for the reform of An Garda Síochána.

“This is a very important body of work which highlights the need for modernisation of crime investigation operations and support infrastructure within An Garda Síochána. It also highlighted the need for up-to-date dispatch technology and the better recording, classification and investigating of crime. 

“Fine Gael in Government is committed to a world-class police service, one which supports hard working Gardai and support staff. 

“The Government is committed to reform and has established an Independent Police Authority. The powers of the Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission have also been strengthened and we have begun the process of recruiting the Garda Commissioner by open competition. 

“Support for victims is very important and there is more work to be done. Minister Fitzgerald said that she will also be taking steps to improve the capacity of victim support organisations to provide advice and assistance to victims at all stages of the criminal process. These services are highly valued in times of trauma and uncertainty.

“A world class policing services needs world class supports and procedures. There is a lot to be done but this Government will deliver.”


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